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Look and Listen


Click on the magic triangles to hear examples of music I have recorded and/or mixed.

Queen of the Sun is a documentary about the catastrophic disappearance of bees.  Here is a song I composed for the opening, along with Jami Sieber.

Above is a Walking Papers song that I mixed.


Above is a Hey Marseilles song that I recorded at my studio.

This is a song by my duo OosiK (with Branden Harper)

Above is a TV commercial for Wizards of the Coast/ Magic the Gathering I composed music and did Sound FX/ foley/ design.

This is a vid of the last incarnation of Sadhappy, with Michael Manring, Mike Keneally, and myself, shot in Bordeaux, France.

For nostalgia, This is an ancient song by my band SADHAPPY, with Paul Hinklin on bass and Skerik on black metal sax. Recorded in 1991.

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